It's funny how fast this year is going. Since I've moved to St. John's University in Jamaica , NY, my schedule is always flying. My personal calendar, the community's, the university's...we feed off each other, in good way.
Today is the feast of Joseph the Worker, all around the world it is May Day. Usually you would find me at Union Square, there present with all the laborers, mostly immigrants. A rally for justice and reform, even though the media might portray this day as just a manifestation in one sense or another. Do we really think people just want to protest for no reason at all or is it because there is a true need? People's right are being violated, lack of jobs, unjust situations at the workplace, unjust wages and so much other factors that are easily swept under the rug for some political reasons. This is the plight of our brothers and sisters. I pray we don't forget.
As I think of Joseph, his person is not mentioned so much, but his desire to follow God's will and carry out his mission in such an unpretentious way is a model for all of us. We see and feel that a job well intentioned is dignifying and has it's effect on all around us. Nothing is small, unless we let it be.
As a member of a community, we have superiors, superior generals, treasurer's, counselors, advisors, etc... we have brothers, we have fathers...and even though each of us carry out a different functions, all are important and so significant for the life and mission of the congregation and our faithfulness in our little parcel in the vineyard of the Lord. In the world we live in, this might not always be seen, but I don't lose hope that we may wake up to see that all play a beautiful and important role in the world's evolution.
Finally I would like to share a life with you, José one of the gardener's at the University. I met Jose eight month's ago, when I first moved here. He was planting mums then and now he's replacing the tulips with something else, always working. He is a gentle man, from Colombia. He is joyful, caring and has such a gift. When I stop to say hello, usually in the mornings when our path cross, I am always amazed at his spirit of gratitude. He is so happy in what he does, he finds purpose in what he does, he loves what he does, he loves his family...he takes pleasure in the simplicity and profound moments of everyday life. I wonder if the President is just as happy and content. I wonder if all of us can acquire some of that spirit, knowing that all can be a blessing,because it is a blessing, it all depends on the eyes with which we look and experience things. I know José has his problems, his cross, his pain..we have shared that at moments, but I also know he is a man of faith, of commitment, of trust in God. José speaks to me of God and his love. He may not know that, but his transparency, simplicity and humility...speak to me about how Great is our God.
I pray for all the José´s and Josefina's, the workers in our lives, Joseph's and Josephine's. I pray that in following the example of St. Joseph the worker, we can carry out our own work with love and dignity. Let our deeds be God's deeds and reflect God's love for all of his creation. Starting with ourselves, and not forgetting our neighbor.
In Christ and St.Vincent,
“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” ~ Charles Dickens